Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών, Γ. Σεφέρη 2, Αγρίνιο microbiology.upatras@gmail.com +302610969232

#2 | 4th International Symposium on Microbial Lipids

Occurrence of Fusarium oxysporum strains on the coasts of Ionian Sea (Greece) and prospects for the production of oils and pigments of high-added value Panagiotis Dritsas1, Kerasia-Vasileia Bartsoka2, ChristosAnagnostakis1,Elias Asimakis2,George Tsiamis2, George Aggelis1 1Unit of Microbiology, Section of… Read More

#1 | 4th International Symposium on Microbial Lipids

Growth patterns in Artificial Sea Waters of two newly-isolated Picochlorum oklahomense strains from the coasts of Ionian Sea (Greece) Panagiotis Dritsas, George Aggelis Unit of Microbiology, Section of Genetics, Cell and Developmental Biology, Department of Biology, University of… Read More

Microalgae from the Ionian Sea (Greece): Isolation, molecular identification and biochemical features of biotechnological interest

ORIGINAL ARTICLE Panagiotis Dritsas, Elias Asimakis, Alexandra Lianou, Maria Efstratiou, George Tsiamis, George Aggelis, Microalgae from the Ionian Sea (Greece): Isolation, molecular identification and biochemical features of biotechnological interest, Algal Research, Volume 74, 2023, 103210, ISSN 2211-9264, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.algal.2023.103210…. Read More

One-Day Conference “INVALOR Research Infrastructure – Valorization of Industrial and Agro-Industrial Waste and By-products for the Production of New Added-Value Materials”

Participation of Panagiotis Dritsas to the One-Day Conference “INVALOR Research Infrastructure – Valorization of Industrial and Agro-Industrial Waste and By-products for the Production of New Added-Value Materials”, March 29 2021, Online, with the presentation entitled “The use of… Read More

Ημερίδα «Ερευνητική Υποδομή INVALOR – Αξιοποίηση Βιομηχανικών και Αγροτοβιομηχανικών Αποβλήτων και Παραπροϊόντων για την Παραγωγή Νέων Υλικών Προστιθέμενης Αξίας»

Συμμετοχή του Παναγιώτη Δρίτσα στην Ημερίδα «Ερευνητική Υποδομή INVALOR – Αξιοποίηση Βιομηχανικών και Αγροτοβιομηχανικών Αποβλήτων και Παραπροϊόντων για την Παραγωγή Νέων Υλικών Προστιθέμενης Αξίας», 29 Μαρτίου 2021 (Διαδικτυακά), με την παρουσίαση «Η χρήση μικροφυκών για την παραγωγή προϊόντων… Read More

High-added value products from microalgae and prospects of aquaculture wastewaters as microalgae growth media

MINI REVIEW Marianna Dourou, Panagiotis Dritsas, Mohamed N Baeshen, Ahmed Elazzazy, Ammar Al-Farga, George Aggelis, High-added value products from microalgae and prospects of aquaculture wastewaters as microalgae growth media, FEMS Microbiology Letters, Volume 367, Issue 12, June 2020,… Read More